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We have several different ways for people to volunteer their gifts, skills, talents, and abilities. Below are some of the ways you can do the work of love that hospice care is. However, if you have a unique talent that you would like to offer and you don’t see it listed below, please give us a call. We are open to expanding the ways of bringing more love in the world!

We can always use help in the office with filing, making calls, organizing information packets, answering phones and so much more.
- “The Knitting Club” ~ whether you crochet, knit, sew, or quilt, you can use your skills to bring warmth and color to our patient’s lives.
- “The Celebration Team” ~ be part of the Celebration Team that plans and organizes celebrations of birthdays, anniversaries, etc. for our patients. They may bake cakes or make dinners to help patients and families celebrate special moments.
- “Building / Gardening Team” ~ cleaning, fixing, maintaining, and beautifying indoor and outdoor property. Families can become quickly overwhelmed when coping with end of life care. The little things can suffer like the lawn, the garden, the upkeep and repair of the house. This Team goes in to clean, organize, do minor repairs, weed, mow, plant, and otherwise help maintain the house and yard.
- “Special Events Team” ~ use your skills at planning, organizing, and holding special fund raising events for our foundation whose purpose is to support our families when they are struggling financially. Our Foundation helps to make their lives easier or their dreams come true.
- “Speakers Bureau” ~ help educate the community about hospice, grief, death and dying, celebrating life…
- And more.

- Friendly Visitors ~ our “friendly visitor” volunteers spend time with our patients visiting with them, helping them write letters, reading to them, or simply sitting with them so their families can have that much needed time to rest, visit their friends, run errands, or go out for lunch or dinner.
- “Remembering Team” ~ help our patients and families celebrate their lives by scrapbooking their lives or be part of the team that interviews our families, collects their photographs, and makes a DVD collage of stories and photos.
- “Entertainment Team” ~ if you are a musician and would like to offer your music to soothe, comfort, and/or cheer our patients and families, join our “Entertainment Team.”
It is a gift to sit by the bedside of someone who is “crossing over.” Our vigil volunteers are like spiritual midwives, keeping vigil so that no one has to die alone. This is especially important when the patient has no family or when the family lives out of town.
Offer comfort and support to our grieving family members in person or by telephone and help our with Celebration of Life Services that are held bi-annually.
And so much more!!! We are only limited by our imaginations!!!